Friday, August 2, 2019

Our class is currently writing and soon to be sharing our speeches - This is my one

Did we really go to the moon?

50 years ago, Neil Armstrong took his one small step and cemented his place as the first person to step foot on the moon. Or did he? Do you think that humans went to the moon? I strongly believe that we did go to the moon. After all, why wouldn’t we, after all the money spent and the sacrifices made, then risk the world finding out.

My first reason for believing that humans have been to the moon is how much money was spent on the Apollo,
Gemini, Mercury and other space programs that led to humans going to the moon. It is reported that project
Apollo cost approximately 16.5 billion New Zealand dollars in today’s money. That is too much money to spend
on humans’ greatest endeavour without actually doing it.

Secondly, is John F Kennedy’s legacy. On September 12, 1962, the then president of the United States gave a
speech saying that humans should and will go to the moon by the time the decade is out. Especially after Kennedy’s
death in 1963, why would the people in charge of Apollo fake the moon landings. That would be dishonouring his

Thirdly, with technology in the 60’s and 70’s, it would be extremely hard to perfectly fake 6 moon landings and add
the drama of Apollo 13 as well. A modern smartphone has more computing power than all of the computers that were
involved in putting humans on the moon. Faking Apollo would require putting high quality tv like screens instead of
windows on the spacecraft to make the crew think they were in space, but at the time tv did not have high enough
resolution to look realistic.

Also there is the point of how do you replicate the moon’s gravity without really going there? Therefore it would have
been impossible to trick the astronauts into thinking they were on the moon. NASA would also have to develop a
realistic tv programme to show to the world. There are many reports that the moon landings were filmed on a tv set but
I do not believe this.

A film expert recently explained that standard tv at the time of Apollo ran at around 30 frames per second, but the
moon landings were recorded at 10 frames per second. Had NASA wanted to fake the landings they would have used
the highest quality possible for their recordings. This proves that the moon landings were real. Although Buzz Aldrin is
reported to have admitted to the moon landings being filmed on a set, this was highly likely done by an imposter and
is not true.

NASA also has an amazing telescope which allows you to see the landing sites of many of the Apollo missions. The
proof is the descent stages of the lunar modules, astronaut’s footpaths and trails from the lunar rovers and the lunar
rovers themselves, which were left on the moon. There are also flags, cameras and other discarded items that were
removed and left behind to reduce weight on the spacecraft.

My final reason for believing that the moon landings were real is because of the sacrifices made. Mainly the crew of
Apollo 1, Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee, who died in a fire during a takeoff practice on the launch pad,
but also the other astronauts and their families. Being constantly away practicing and observing parts of the
spacecraft being manufactured. Honouring their sacrifices would only be to complete the goal they were working

In conclusion, the moon landings were indeed real and the many stereotypes surrounding this topic are false. We
really did go to the moon.

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